Historical Narratives

Judson Powder Works

The Judson Powder Works was located on the north and west side of Albany Hill. There were a number of explosions there over the years, as listed below.


13 White and 25 Chinese workers killed. Six months later packing house blew up killing 11 White and 12 Chinese workers

Explosion killed 37 Chinese workers.

July 13, 1892
3 White and 2 Chinese workers killed. There were 5 or 6 explosions which broke windows in Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco, and was felt in Martinez.

December 10, 1898

Gelatin house blew up killing the Superintendent and 4 Chinese workers.
August 16, 1905Two men killed.

November 16, 1912

Property of Judson Dynamite and Powder Company was sold to E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder company of Pinole.

Copyright Mervin Belfils, October 1975
Copyright El Cerrito Historical Society, June 2006

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