Help us fill in missing details about El Cerrito's History

Do you have any pictures showing panoramas, old-time buildings or businesses in El Cerrito that we could copy?

  • Or any milk bottles/caps from El Cerrito dairies or other memorabilia that we could photograph?

  • Or any old “TEPCOware” that you would be willing to donate to the Historical Society or that we could photograph?

  • Or any other memorabilia that you would be willing to donate to the Historical Society or that we could photograph?

In particular, we are looking for more information about the following:
El Cerrito street names
Do you know how or why any of the streets in El Cerrito have the names they do?

Business owners and businesses
Do you know or have information about any of the following businesses, individuals or their relatives:

  • Mr. B F Denton (Beverly), owned Denton’s Fuel & Feed; cousin or brother owned Denton’s candy store

  • Jean Helsdorn (took over Denton’s Fuel & Feed?)

  • Mr. Louis Davis, city council member, Western States Fuel & Feed

  • Ferris Fuel & Feed

  • Other fuel & feed stores in El Cerrito

  • What construction company built the dog track??

  • Neil Corey, son of Frank, who owned Corey’s hardware in Albany

  • McKee & Hamilton Foundry/Machine shop

  • Charles Collins (superintendent at Hutchinson Quarry)

  • Fred Seavey (involved with brickyard)

  • William Grafton Worthington, President of Boericke & Runyon,a pharmaceutical factory on Conlon Street.

  • Dr. Lyle Wellman, COO of Boericke & Runyon

  • Donald Jagger, GM at Boericke & Runyon

  • Donald Goldberg, chief pharmacist at Boericke & Runyon

  • Mr. Bryon; Capellis family; Joe Lagel; Mr. Shevlin

  • John Neuner (worked at Federal Builders Supply)

  • Freeman Nichols (worked at Federal Builders Supply)

  • Klier Brothers/Klier Brothers Lumber

  • Burg’s & Gishes of Gish’s furniture factory (Manila and San Pablo)

  • Henry/Emile/Paul/Bertha/Caroline/Magdelina Eckmann, their father had a butcher shop near Navellier & Scott

  • Christine Sonke Robinson, Helena Sonke, their mother taught piano and their father ran Sonke dairy

  • Estrella’s pig farm (behind Portuguese Hall); A. E. Donnelly

  • The Brotherton family; Ed Pedro, “Eddie’s Barrel Yard,” also had feed & fuel

  • John Carrick (founded EC Mill & Lumber and later sold it to Elmer Freethy) or his daughter Charlotte

  • Mr. Holcomb – started Albany Mill & Lumber on Central Avenue?

  • Tony Lombardo family/poultry ranch; Zecka family

  • Krislovich/Kristavich family; Bertolotti family

  • Jack Lord; Keller Ranch; Botini family

  • John Balra, had friends by the name of Carlsen who lived on Colusa

  • Glassen kids; their dad farmed the area north of Gladys. Jimmy was a fireman and lived on Richmond near Eureka; Mary Ellen lived in Alameda, married a pianist about 1930; Irene married Joe White about 1970?

  • Sperikes Sterites; Liberty Poultry Ranch

El Cerrito dairies

  • Home Dairy – Hinds, Phipps, Schwarz

  • John Kooy

  • John Balra’s ranch & dairy

  • Eckhart Brothers/El Cerrito Dairy

  • Dairy near Yosemite & El Cerrito Creek – McAllister?

  • Merlo Dairy

  • Sonke Dairy/A. E. Donnelly – the mom taught piano

  • 1000 Oaks Creamery, Mira Vista Creamery

  • A dairy on the Albany/El Cerrito line

  • Cerrito Home Dairy

  • Camenzind Dairy, Cozumel family

  • Smith Dairy

  • Smith Village Dairy

  • McClellan Dairy

  • Golden State Creamery

  • Royal Jersey Dairy

  • Massucco Dairy

  • Bonzi Dairy

  • Zecka Dairy