Please consider joining the El Cerrito Historical Society. Your dues help fund the society’s programs and maintain our archive. Members receive the quarterly Forge newsletter in the mail and get advance notice of upcoming events. Annual membership is $30, sponsoring membership is $75 per year and a life membership is $400.

Making a donation

We are interested in donations of artifacts, documents and photographs pertaining to local history. We can accept outright donations or scan your materials for our archives and return the originals. And we are happy to accept cash donations.

Attending an event

We hold society board meetings once a month and schedule talks and walking tours throughout the year. All are open to the public.


We can always use another pair of hands to help with writing articles, organizing events, archiving donations and other activities.

Help us fill in missing details about El Cerrito's History

Do you have any pictures showing panoramas, old-time buildings, or businesses in El Cerrito that we could copy?

  • Or any milk bottles/caps from El Cerrito dairies or other memorabilia that we could photograph?

  • Or any old “TEPCOware” that you would be willing to donate to the Historical Society or that we could photograph?

  • Or any other memorabilia that you would be willing to donate to the Historical Society or that we could photograph? If so, please contact us at

View a list of people and businesses we are particularly interested in.